Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language

SoulCraft 0.5.6 released with ICS support and new location New York

For the first time since the first release and the start of our release cycle every two weeks we are happy to release a version on time and as planned on thursday :)

But the version is not only on time - it also includes lots of great updates thanks to your feedback!

Major Updates:

- new location New York inlcuding new boss fight
- finally ICS Support (Android 4.x) - sorry it took us so long!
- content files encrypted now to prevent gamedata mismatch and cheating
- improve experience for first tme gamers -  you start directly in level
- Improve Gameflow with notification system - know when there is new stuff available
- lots of bugs as usual :)

Please also see our roadmap to see whats we are working on! Thanks for your help and see you in our forums!